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主题:七律•母亲   作者:胡春松(南昌大学)
南山发表于 2016-05-13 23:27
永世情怀恒话题, 和甜微笑更欢怡。
心存儿女无言戏, 常念此节孩孝祈。
梦想希翼当早立, 慈母心愿要三思。
何时何事胜天地, 似水流年日月依。
注:作于南昌大学 2016年5月8日 根据作者英文十四行诗而译。
To Nurse Chunsong Hu Your bright eyes Like Nan's lamp, like the sky stars Bring hope and future for lives Your sweet smile and sounds Like Bee's symphony Play songs of victory for lives Your slim and small hands Like bursts of warm spring breeze Let thousands of lives recovery and bring oasis Your familiar footsteps Sometimes light and sometimes shortness That's lullaby at night, that's trumpet for driving death Your beautiful shadow and pure soul The amulet of countless lives And the beautiful angel in the world Notes: wrote for International Nurse's Day at Nanchang University, China On May 12, 2016
To Mother Chunsong Hu Human eternal theme A natural feeling, and a peaceful, sweet smile and loving Pay your own heart to your daughters and sons Many many words On May 8 Take my blessing, hope and dreams Express my love Read and understand your wish Day and day Anytime, anyway Year and year Notes: my sonnet on Mother's Day, 2016 At Nanchang University, China
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