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胡适手迹和胡氏宗谱 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 0 发表于: 2008-05-01
— 本帖被 hawkins001 从 闲聊茶馆 移动到本区(2008-05-11) —
胡适(189l—1962),原名洪?,字适之。安徽绩溪人。 1910年留学美国,1917年回国,任北京大学教授。是新文化运动的著名人物。1938年任国民党政府驻美国大使,1942年任国民党行政院最高顾问,1946年任北大校长,1948年去美国。 1962年在台湾病逝。“为学要如金字塔,要能广大要能高”手迹是1947年胡适应安徽省文献委员会邀请所题。胡氏宗谱是1911年其族裔胡祥木纂修,分上中下三卷。该谱记载了胡适之父胡铁花的生平,及其任台东直隶州(属台湾省)知州等事迹和胡适的留学、婚配情况,同时对徽墨世家胡开文家庭也有详细记载。

????????????Hu Shi's Manuscript and the Hu's Genealogy
  Hu Shi (1891--1962) was born in Jixi County, Anhui Province. He went to study in the United States in 1910, and returned to China in 1917. A professor at the Beijing University, he was also a famous scholar in the New Culture Movement in early 20th century. In 1938, he was appointed Ch-inese Ambassador to the United States. In 1942, he was appointed supreme consultant of the State Council of Republic of China. In 1946, he was de-signated President of Beijing University, in 1948, he returned to the US, and subsequently died in Taiwan in 1962. This manuscript "To study is li-ke to build pyramid, which shall be high and broad "was written by Hu Shi in 1947 at the invitation of Anhui Literature Committee. Hu's Genealogy was compiled by Hu Xiangmu in 1911, including 3 volumes, with a brief account of the life of Hu Tiehua, Hu Shi's father, and includes a brief autobiography of Hu Shi. This also offers readers detailed information on Hu Kaiwen's family, an old and well-known Hui Ink making family.

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